04 · 09 · 24  |  Warsaw

Verifiable Summit



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What is Verifiable Summit ?

Verifiable Summit is an applied cryptography focused 1-day conference brought to you by the zkWarsaw community. It is scheduled just ahead of the ETHWarsaw 2024 event and will conveniently take place in the middle of Warsaw Blockchain Week 2024.

The agenda will be a healthy split between speeches from the top teams and selected keynotes/lightning talks from the community via open submission (apply here). The agenda is envisioned around 5 key themes (zk, fhe, mpc, tee, and quantum) as well as relate as much as possible to trustless verifiability of data as a fuel of utility within the decentralized world.

Operationally, the event will be ‘produced’ by the same team that is responsible for zkSummit and zkHack, so it should be a truly unique learning & networking experience.


04th September 2024. See the agenda

00 D  :  00 H  :  00 Min


Biblioteka Narodowa
al. Niepodległości 213,
02-086 Warsaw


CEO and co-founder of Fair Math Inc, Homomorphic Encryption & ML

LinkedIn | X


CTO at Herodotus

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Crypto and web3 lawyer, DAI Foundation, Worldcoin

LinkedIn | X


Team Lead TLSNotary (PSE), Founder of Sigasi

LinkedIn | X


Chief Scientist at Aztec Protocol, focusing on zk-SNARK technology

LinkedIn | X


CTO, Co-Founder Aleph Zero Foundation, Partner at Cardinal

LinkedIn | X


Researcher & Technical Writer at Taiko, Physicist

LinkedIn | X


Researcher at vlayer, Doctoral Researcher @ AGH

LinkedIn | X


COO Redstone Oracles, KB7 Kernel Fellow

LinkedIn | X


CTO, Co-Founder vlayer, co-founder zkWarsaw, ex-EthWorks

LinkedIn | X


Research Analyst at Chorus One, ETHWarsaw

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CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer at Extropy.IO

LinkedIn | X


Developer Relations Engineer at Aztec, ex-Hype Partners, Aave

LinkedIn | X


Associate Professor at the Jagiellonian University

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CEO, Co-founder Opacity Labs, Advisor EV3 Ventures

LinkedIn | X


CEO, Co-founder vlayer, ex-Nethone, ex-BCG

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Researcher at Marlin Protocol

LinkedIn | X


Co-Founder Provably.ai, Adjunct Professor at Warsaw University

LinkedIn | X


CEO, Founder in Stealth, former Lead Cryptographer at O(1) Labs

LinkedIn | X


Dev at Cardinal Cryptography, Ph.D. in Theoretical Computer Science (EPFL)

LinkedIn | X


COO & Engineer at Reilabs.io, Developer of Cairo-hints

LinkedIn | X


Co-Founder, CTO T1 protocol, co-founder zkWarsaw, ex-Scroll

LinkedIn | X


Protocol Researcher at Gevulot

LinkedIn | X


Head of Research at Nethermind, Cryptography Researcher

LinkedIn | X


Ecosystem Lead at Hinkal, CEO 0xKYC

LinkedIn | X


CEO, Co-Founder Aleph Zero Foundation, Partner at Cardinal

LinkedIn | X

This here could be you

Become our next speaker!
Apply now here!

Agenda 4th Sep 2024

  Main Stage Side Stage Workshop Room

09.30 - 10.00

Registration, picking up badges & welcome coffee/tea

10.00 - 10.30

Welcome address from the zkWarsaw community founders

Marek Kirejczyk (Co-Founder, CTO vlayer)

Orest Tarasiuk (Co-Founder, CTO T1 Protocol)

10.30 - 11.00

Keynote : Private DeFi: The Possible, The Impossible, and What’s Worth It

Adam Gagol (Aleph Zero)


Workshop : Dissecting Everyday zkTLS

Steve Schellhase and Vladyslav Lukyanenko (Opacity)

11.00 - 11.30

Keynote : Verify Private Web Data with TLSNotary

Hendrik Eeckhaut (TLSNotary)

Talk : Oracles: Market Overview And What Role Do They Play In Verifying Data

Marcin Kaźmierczak (Redstone Oracles)

Workshop : Client-side Proving

Damian Straszak (Aleph Zero)

11.30 - 12.00

Networking break #1

12.00 - 12.30

Keynote : Introducing the Verifiable Data Report - Select Insights with CTO Commentary

Marek Kirejczyk (Co-Founder, CTO vlayer)

Talk : Quantum Cryptanalysis: A Real Threat or Overhyped Fear

Jakub Mielczarek

Workshop : Beyond ZKPs: MPC

Damian Straszak (Aleph Zero)

12.30 - 13.00

Keynote : Verifiable Data - What is it? Why do we need it? And how Opacity makes it easy

Steve Schellhase (Opacity)

Talk 1 : Nova Folding by Hand

Rafal Klich (Chorus One)

Talk 2 : State of the ZK-Proving Infrastructure Landscape

Norbert Vadas (Gevulot)

Workshop : ZK Intuitions: Thinking like a Circuit

Cat McGee (Aztec)

13.00 - 14.00


14.00 - 14.30

FFT's on the Projective Line

Ariel Gabizon (Aztec)

14.30 - 15.00

Keynote : Verifiable Analytics with Verifiable SQL

Emanuele Ragnoli (Provably.ai)

Talk : Principles of Scalable Verifiable Computation

Marcello Bardus (Herodotus)

Workshop : Dissecting Everyday zkTLS

Steve Schellhase and Vladyslav Lukyanenko (Opacity)

15.00 - 15.30

Networking break #2

15.30 - 16.00

Lightning talk 1 : Mova: Improving Nova Folding Scheme

Michal Zajac (Nethermind)

Lightning talk 2 : Raiko: Taiko's Approach to Multi-Proofs

Jünger (Taiko)

Lightning Talk 1 : Verifiable Technologies Showdown: ZK vs. FHE vs. MPC vs. TEE

Roshan Raghupathy (Marlin)

Lightining Talk 2 : How does ZK fit into privacy laws?

Jacek Czarnecki

Workshop : How to design a private smart contract language?

Cat McGee (Aztec)

16.00 - 16.30

Talk : The next frontier of cryptography: Witness Encryption

Vanishree Rao

Workshop : Auditing Zero Knowledge Contracts

Laurence Kirk (Extropy)

Workshop : Practising Verifiable Analytics with Verifiable SQL

Simone Bottoni & Roberto Ripamonti (Provably.ai)

16.30 - 16.45

Networking break #3

16.45 - 17.15

Keynote : Unifying Ethereum with Real-time Proofs, Made Possible Today Thanks to TEEs

Orest Tarasiuk (T1 protocol)

Lightning talk 1 : Where's ZK in zkTLS?

Maciej Kalka (vlayer)

Lightning talk 2 : Shared Privacy Layer: Using ZK Proofs and Anonymity Staking for the Future of Cross-Chain Privacy On-Chain

Adam Zasada (Hinkal)

Lightning talk 1 : Decentralized FHE Computer

Gurgen Arakelov (Fair Math)

Lightning talk 2 : Using Cairo-hints for Cheaper Cairo Proving

Greg Świrski (Reilabs)

17.15 - 17.30

Closing remarks from the organizers

Buy Ticket



59 29*

  • Full 1 day event access
  • Snacks, lunch and beverages included
  • Event bag full of ZK merch

Only for zkWarsaw Meetup attendees

Get ticket Now    

* The price does include the applicable VAT


Early Bird

59 39*

  • Full 1 day event access
  • Snacks, lunch and beverages included
  • Event bag full of ZK merch

Reduced price was available only till 31st July 2024.

Sold out    

* The price does include the applicable VAT


€ 59*

  • Full 1 day event access
  • Snacks, lunch and beverages included
  • Event bag full of ZK merch

Get ticket Now    

* The price does include the applicable VAT


Verifiable Summit is a one-day conference dedicated to applied cryptography, focusing on trustless verifiability of data as a fuel of utility within the decentralized world. We aim to explore and discuss some of the most significant applications and advancements within the field, including zero-knowledge proofs, fully homomorphic encryption, multi-party computation, trusted execution environments, and quantum cryptography.

All events and sessions at the Verifiable Summit will be conducted in English.

You can use public transportation: the metro (Pole Mokotowskie station plus a 10-minute walk), the bus, and the tram (Biblioteka Narodowa stop). There is free parking for cars and bicycles in front of the building. The main entrance to the building is Entrance A from the Pole Mokotowskie side.

If you want to speak at the Verifiable Summit, fill out the speaker form here.

To become a sponsor for the Verifiable Summit, contact us at hello@verifiablesummit.com.

Please refer to the list of nearby hotels here.

Warsaw offers a compelling mix of history and modernity: Rich history: The rebuilt Old Town showcases Warsaw's resilience and preserves its historical charm. Cultural attractions: The city has numerous museums, palaces, and landmarks covering various aspects of Polish history and culture. Green spaces: Warsaw features beautiful parks like Łazienki, perfect for relaxation and outdoor activities. Vibrant food scene: Warsaw offers everything from traditional Polish cuisine to modern and international options. Dynamic atmosphere: As Poland's capital, Warsaw blends historical significance with a modern, energetic vibe. Warsaw's historical depth, cultural offerings, and urban energy make it an attractive and diverse European destination. Find more detailed information here.

[consent – mandatory]
*I declare that I have read the content of the Privacy Notice, which is an integral part of the VS’24 ticketing process, understood and accept it.

[consent – mandatory]
*I consent for the transfer of my personal data indicated in the ticketing process to the recipient outside the European Economic Area, i.e. Luma, Inc. and Luma Labs, Inc., address: 3340 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States of America (“Luma”), for the purposes of provision of the Event planning and ticketing services. Regarding the possible risks for the data subject, that may be associated with said transfer, please refer to our Privacy Notice.

[consent – voluntary]
I consent for sharing my personal data as recorded on the attendee’s list, including my email, with the Event’s sponsors for the networking purposes, in accordance with the Privacy Notice I have accepted. The consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time.

[consent – voluntary]
I consent for processing my personal data for the purposes of sending commercial information by the Controller to the e-mail address given in the ticketing process, including via automated calling systems and I confirm my willingness to join the mailing database. The consent is voluntary and may be withdrawn at any time.



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have questions.
